Denis Zvizdic, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of BiH, received the questionnaire from Hahn, which contains 3,242 questions.
The BiH government must answer the questions in the next six months. The questionnaire will assess BiH's economy, compliance with human rights, the rule of law and other obligations required of countries wishing to become EU member states.
A successful questionnaire means BiH will be ready to move forward in the accession process, namely, to become a candidate country and open the accession negotiations.
"The questionnaire represents the most detailed, most complicated and most complex task for the institutions of BiH," Zvizdic told reporters after a meeting with Hahn.
Hahn stressed that the process of European integration was a process that would bring stability and security to BiH and the consequence of all this was to increase the level of welfare for BiH citizens.
"It is something that brings better prospects for BiH. It will bring jobs and very concrete benefits for the citizens," he said.
On Feb. 15 of this year, BiH formally submitted its application to join the EU.
The EU's 28 member states accepted BiH's EU membership application on Sept. 20 in Brussels and ordered the European Commission to prepare an assessment of the Balkan country's readiness to join the bloc.
After domesticating the horse Cheap Jerseys China , man designed competitions for him which put a lot of additional stress on his joints. Imagine, for example, of the concussive force on joints of the front legs whenever a 1,200-pound horse sails over a six-foot jump and hits his front feet. Dressage seems like a reasonably benign contest in terms of placing strain on joints is concerned Cheap Jerseys , but that’s not true.
The advanced dressage horse must transfer his center of gravity much more to the rear, getting more stress on the hind limbs. Some of the lateral movements, such as the shoulder-in and half-pass, cause higher joint stress specifically about the hock. Horses which load more weight around the rear are going to be susceptible to hock Cheap NCAA College Jerseys , rear fetlock, and stifle injuries and illness. Degenerative joint disease or DJD, also known as osteoarthritis, might be considered a small group of disorders characterized by a standard end stage Cheap New NCAA Jerseys , intensifying deterioration of the articular cartilage, coupled with adjustments in the bone and soft flesh of the joint. Synovitis and joint effusion are usually associated with the condition.
Clinically, the disease is characterized by discomfort and dysfunction of the impacted joint. Human DJD may be classified traditionally into primary and secondary kinds. The term primary is used if the causes are unknown and is typified with the insidiously developing condition of old people. The phrase secondary is utilized when an etiologic factor could be demonstrated. The word degenerative joint disease has been utilized as a basic synonym for primary OA. Some cutting horses are susceptible to accidents and illness involving the hock and stifle joints. The reining horse is asked to run down an area at speed, slide to a stop Cheap Authentic College Jerseys , and whirl in a circle, with the rear end anchored in place.
This creates a lot of torque on the hind limbs, particularly the hocks. Roping horses additionally place heavy pressure on their joints. The calf roping horse is requested to slide to a stop when the loop settles across the calf’s neck. The slipping stop and the jerk from the calf striking the end of the rope put strain on the hock and pastern joints. The header’s team roping horse is requested to swing side to side, tugging a steer into position for the heeler to rope the hind feet. The header’s horse places extra tension on his lower forelimbs Cheap College Jerseys From China , especially the left, while switching the steer.
A barrel racing horse racing over the cloverleaf course places serious force on the joints of his front and back limbs. There is often a compounding of issues with barrel racers since in some instances the horses were retired out of the racetrack and carry with them troublesome front knees, front side fetlocks, and front suspensory apparatus. The introduction of Degenerative Joint Disease involves a complicated sequence of events. The condition usually starts with trauma and finishes with soft Cheap College Jerseys China , yellowish, fibrillated and ulcerated cartilage, eburnation and sclerosis in the subchondral bone, hyperplasia of the synovial tissue layer plus a thickened fibrous joint capsule Cheap College Jerseys , periarticular osteophytes, osteolysis, ankylosis in low motion joints and a decreased range of motion in higher motion joints.