Top 25 Reasons to Work For Yourself Online Home Business Articles | November 9 Vince Biegel Jersey , 2008 1. You get to stay home and catch up on Oprah episodes while breaking into your emergency bon bon stash.2. Working in your underwear wont get you fired, although at the same time also wont get you pro...
1. You get to stay home and catch up on Oprah episodes while breaking into your emergency bon bon stash.
2. Working in your underwear wont get you fired, although at the same time also wont get you promoted if you're cute.
3. You get random checks in the mail that you weren't expecting to's like an early Christmas without a fat guy in a red suit; unless Uncle Bob comes over.
4. You get to mess with all the telemarketers that you'd normally miss while at a regular job..."Oh, you want to sell me a long distance plan? Sounds intriguing, what are you wearing?"
5. You can go grocery shopping during the day when the place is empty...just watch out for that creepy stock person with the shifty eyes defending the bread isle.
6. There's no stoplights on the information superhighway.
7. There's only one assigned parking spot and you own it just inches from your garage until the CEO (wife) comes home.
8. Where else can you pair socks while selecting keywords for your new ad campaign?
9. You don't have to keep rescheduling the plumber to fix that embarrassing toilet problem...How did that happen again?
10. Trips to Starbucks become tax write-offs Jamaal Williams Jersey , mmmmm coffee. Dear IRS, I'm kidding, really I am Smile
11. You can do business from anywhere, including the attic, but you might be a weirdo.
12. If you get lonely Montravius Adams Jersey , the dog can easily replace a co-worker and they're usually better behaved.
13. Once you meet your goals for the day you can concentrate on why the doorbell zaps people whenever they push it.
14. You can watch your once thriving stocks and 401k plummet in real time instead of waiting to get home from work each day.
15. Working from home on the Internet has allowed you to think of unique Halloween costumes like the Squidoo squid.
16. If you suddenly fall off your chair, no one will be around to laugh at you unless "they" are watching...
17. You'll have "tough" decisions to make like which of the 3 Ferrari's you should take to go to Staples for a ream of paper.
18. Eventually, you'll start noticing you have conversations with those fax machine tones and it scares you that you understand them.
19. That mean boss from your old job will ask you to be their reference for a new job they applied to when they were laid-off.
20. You begin speaking to your baby using phrases like, "Google, Google Josh Jones Jersey , Google, eBay, eBay, aren't oooh a cute widdle Twitter?"
21. When you close your eyes at night you have nightmares of ebay fees but remember that you're a platinum level powerseller and fall right to sleep.
22. You wont ever have to listen to anyone say, "Looks like ya got a case of the Monday's" first thing in the morning.
23. You can finally throw away the Chia money's ok Kevin King Jersey , it didn't grow real cash and it's embarrassing to have around.
24. Lunch doesn't have to come in a truck anymore.
25. Allowing yourself to give you the freedom to live your life on your own terms.
This simple technique will give your serotonin a boost and only takes a few minutes.
By following the below simple steps you will pump fluid up your spine, giving your brain a bath of sorts. Afterwards you'll feel more centred, calm, happier and possibly a little light-headed.
The breathing exercises help carry oxygen to your cells bringing in new energy. It helps improve memory and insomnia, excellent before a job interview Josh Jackson Jersey , getting through fearful situations for some people like flying or to calm your mind.
1. Place your left hand on the left side of your upper chest and your right hand on the right side of your head.
2. Breath in through your nose with your tongue on the roof of your mouth. Breathe out through your mouth with your tongue resting on the floor of your mouth. Take four deep breaths.
3. Keeping your left hand in the same position, move your right hand to the back of your head. Take four more deep breaths as described above while holding this position.
4. Switch hands, placing your right hand on your right upper chest and your left hand on the left side of your head. Again, take four more deep breaths as described above while holding this position.
5. Keeping your right hand in the same position, move your left hand to the front of your head Jaire Alexander Jersey , palm on your forehead, fingers bending over the top of your head. Again, take four more deep breaths as described above while holding this position.
My friend, naturopath and healer Francine Lemessager passed this breathing exercise to me; I've enjoyed the benefits for years and happy I can share it with you.
You may be wondering what is serotonin and how does it affect me?
The following is quoted from 'What is serotonin':
Serotonin is a neurotransmitter, which is a substance that is designed to transmit messages from one nerve cell to another. The first findings on the serotonin action showed that low levels lead to depression Ha Ha Clinton-Dix Jersey , sleep disorders and various forms of addiction. Serotonin affects and control: mental and emotional processes, in motor functi